29. September 2024 – Roadkills

Do you mind roadkills? You know, those dark red smudges on the side of the road. There is a “Global Roadkill Observations” project on the iNaturalist in which I am interested. The main road, which goes along my village, is notorious for collisions with wild animals. We, who know, drive there drive slowly and carefully. I keep my eyes peeled every time I drive through here.

The very first roadkill I saw there was a female badger, Meles meles. She was so beautiful. A few days later my wife saw two badgers near the road three kilometres away. And I also saw badger’s tracks in the snowy forest, so, we know that they are there.

The most common roadkill in my area is Martes foina, beech marten, followed by hedgehogs – Erinaceus europaeus and Erinaceus roumanicus.

Of course, the animal I see the most often on the side of the road (living) is Capreolus capreolus, roe deer and Vulpes vulpes – fox (they are so cute!).

A few days ago I found rare roadkill, Turdus philomelos, or song thrush. Near an open bus stop (no glass to be an obstacle to it).

It’s sad but it shows me another part of the biodiversity of my area…
