Well, not exactly my Field Notes (observed species, temperature, humidity, notes about surroundings,…), these are more reader-friendly notes.

  • 11. September 2024 – End of drought, flood’s coming

    11. September 2024 – End of drought, flood’s coming

    This summer ranked among the hottest since measurements began in 1775, with an average temperature of 22.6°C, making it the third hottest, just behind 2019 and 2018. The trend is clear, as five of the six hottest summers have occurred in the last decade. The drought had a significant impact on vegetation, with trees shedding…

  • 3. September 2024 – Plants on clear-cutted land

    3. September 2024 – Plants on clear-cutted land

    It was hot as hell. And still is. I can hear storm nearby but no rain here. Clear-cutting of the pines of the boundary between the meadows to restore the old path. Trees were cut down near the ground, so the stumps are very low. Uprooted stump is exposing sand and granite boulders under, the…

  • 28 August 2024 – Hundreds of butterflies, ponds

    28 August 2024 – Hundreds of butterflies, ponds

    Another day of summer heat, the soil is dry. Yesterday’s night rain was not enough. Medicago sativa is blooming in the field behind the garden, it looks like a butterfly farm. Hundreds of specimens fly there. From the edge of the garden, without my glasses, I watched 16 Aglais io at one point. Pieris, Gonepteryx,…