Well, not exactly my Field Notes (observed species, temperature, humidity, notes about surroundings,…), these are more reader-friendly notes.

  • 12. October 2024 – Invasion of Mushrooms

    12. October 2024 – Invasion of Mushrooms

    Morning temperatures dropped to three degrees as a weakened Hurricane Kirk arrived in the Czech Republic, bringing with it strong winds and rain showers. Almost nothing flies to the light these nights. Only two species have arrived. But two brand-new ones! Udea ferrugalis, the rusty dot pearl, and Conistra vaccinii, the chestnut. But a few days…

  • 1. October 2024 – Butterfly Steppe

    1. October 2024 – Butterfly Steppe

    So today I finally stopped at the butterfly steppe. It was just a quick visit, just to see if anything had changed significantly. The steppe looks beautiful, obviously the site is well cared for.The place reminded me of the concept of a “new wilderness” – a place where nature and human activity create a fascinating…

  • 30. September 2024 – Lost cemeteries

    30. September 2024 – Lost cemeteries

    I wanted to stop by one of my favorite places today, “Important landscape element Butterfly Steppe”. (52 species of butterflies were observed there in diverse habitats, as well as other animals: smooth and alpine newt, the agile frog and the European fire-bellied toad.) But. But when I stopped nearby I realised that there are two…

  • 29. September 2024 – Roadkills

    29. September 2024 – Roadkills

    Do you mind roadkills? You know, those dark red smudges on the side of the road. There is a “Global Roadkill Observations” project on the iNaturalist in which I am interested. The main road, which goes along my village, is notorious for collisions with wild animals. We, who know, drive there drive slowly and carefully.…

  • 26. September 2024 – What a fine day!

    26. September 2024 – What a fine day!

    After the morning rain the Sun stayed behind the clouds and was peeking occasionally. 22 °C, butterflies all over blooming ivy. Took a short walk out of the village and found several interesting places/biotopes to look at closely. Parasol mushrooms, Macrolepiota procera, started to appear under my steps. It was not intended to be a…

  • 25. September 2024 – First hero

    25. September 2024 – First hero

    And we have a winner of the “First moth of Autumn”! Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to give the award to the Macdunnoughia confusa (Dewick’s plusia), which was not confused at all, and after three nights without any visitors it came to me to make my happy. Not really surprised to observe this species,…

  • 22. September 2024 – Autumn

    22. September 2024 – Autumn

    Autumn began with a sunny weekend and a clear sky. 22 °C.The wasps continue to feast on sugar water, and they are also enjoying the fallen apples that I have started to provide for them. Nearby, the ivy is blooming, filling the air with its scent and hosting a variety of insects, including butterflies, which…

  • 18. September 2024 – Dead birds

    18. September 2024 – Dead birds

    A devastating flood swept through the Czech Republic and surrounding countries. The rain stopped, the temperature rose by ten degrees. At night, only a few Chrysoperla carnea showed up. In the cold and rain of the previous days, nothing flew. Dying hungry birds, Delichon urbicum and Hirundo rustica, began to appear in other cities.This year…

  • 15. September 2024 – Climax

    15. September 2024 – Climax

    A lot of the Czech Republic is dealing with flooding because of continuous rain, and the situation got really serious last night in northern Moravia and Silesia, especially in cities like Ostrava and Bohumín. Thousands of people have already had to evacuate their homes, and many more are getting ready to leave. They even started…

  • 15. September 2024 – Quick Lepidoptera project summary

    15. September 2024 – Quick Lepidoptera project summary

    Astronomical autumn doesn’t start for another week, but due to the weather we can take a brief look back at summer now (20. June to 15. September). The clear winner is the species Agriphila inquinatella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), which has been flying throughout the whole summer, winning both the persistence award and the most…