18. September 2024 – Dead birds

A devastating flood swept through the Czech Republic and surrounding countries.

The rain stopped, the temperature rose by ten degrees. At night, only a few Chrysoperla carnea showed up. In the cold and rain of the previous days, nothing flew. Dying hungry birds, Delichon urbicum and Hirundo rustica, began to appear in other cities.
This year was very good for them, the birds managed two broods. The young ones are now most affected by the current situation – the young birds are the last to head south to warmer regions, but many of them didn’t make it.

They have no food, they get pneumonia, they get hypothermia. They try to hide under a roof somewhere, sometimes they fly into houses, huddle together and try to keep warm among themselves. Even so, many die. There are thousands and thousands of them, it’s absolutely crazy.” (Pavel Křížek from the rescue station Fauna Protection, which tries to save as many birds as possible)

It’s scary, nature will take years to recover.
