3. September 2024 – Plants on clear-cutted land

It was hot as hell. And still is. I can hear storm nearby but no rain here.

Clear-cutting of the pines of the boundary between the meadows to restore the old path. Trees were cut down near the ground, so the stumps are very low. Uprooted stump is exposing sand and granite boulders under, the ground is covered with a layer of old pine needles and cones.
Poor soil, short sunlit slope, rapidly becoming overgrown – Prunus spinosa, Rosa canina, young sprouts of Quercus petraea, Cytisus scoparius, Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum, Chelidonium majus, some Senecio, sprouts of Euphorbia cyparissias.
Prunus spinosa and Cytisus scoparius are the most successful. 

Beyond the path, there are Prunus avium and Prunus spinosa trees with lichens on their bark – Xanthoria parietina, and some Parmelia with a small Usnea on it.
Nearby, on the road, a Fallopia is climbing the branches up.

A dragonfly flew by (unknown Odonata). In the sand of the path leading from the meadow above the cleared zone are footprints of some smaller deer, probably Capreolus capreolus
Several sprouts of Euphorbia cyparissias were occupied by Hyles euphorbiae caterpillars. They were in their 4. moult – what colourful animals to see! It’s They were in their 4. moult – what colourful animals to see!
