26. September 2024 – What a fine day!

After the morning rain the Sun stayed behind the clouds and was peeking occasionally. 22 °C, butterflies all over blooming ivy.

Took a short walk out of the village and found several interesting places/biotopes to look at closely.

Parasol mushrooms, Macrolepiota procera, started to appear under my steps. It was not intended to be a mushrooming trip, but I ended up with my hoodie full of mushrooms.

Hoodie-less, just in my t-shirt, I walked home in strong wind. It was 19 °C, optimal temperature, beautiful moment.

I also checked my seedling common walnut, Juglans regia, back in my garden. Seems to be healthy. In 50 years, there will be an epic tree.

Well, mushrooms are clean and cut, bramboračka is to be cooked! (Wiki: Bramboračka is a type of traditional Czech soup. It is prepared from potatoes and root vegetables – carrots, celery, parsley. One of the most important ingredients is edible mushrooms. The emphasis is on a thick, creamy consistency. Traditional Czech potato soup must always contain potatoes, garlic, and marjoram as basic ingredients.) And, I humbly say, my bramboračka is absolutely a pleasure.
