25. September 2024 – First hero

And we have a winner of the “First moth of Autumn”! Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to give the award to the Macdunnoughia confusa (Dewick’s plusia), which was not confused at all, and after three nights without any visitors it came to me to make my happy.

Not really surprised to observe this species, my surroundings offers larvae plenty of Achillea, Lamium, Urtica and camomile to feed on. 

This moth flies in three generations from April to October, so this has to be the third one. And October, its last month, is slowly approaching. Feeling melancholy? Also, shortly after I took photos of the moth and wrote down info about the weather, my dog n.2 ate it. Ahem.

Beautiful second place goes to the true gem, I mean, the gem, Orthonama obstipata. Which feeds on plenty of plants my garden can offer – Galium, Convolvulus, Anthemis, Eupatorium, Senecio, Polygonum, Rumex, enjoy! This little vagrant can fly over the sea, guys! My dogs was sleeping already so it survived.

Indian summer is on the go, trees started to change colours, the air smells differently. I love that.
